Your product has a purpose, and that purpose should help you identify the information you actually need. Blindly or willfully grabbing information beyond that can subject your product to bad press, excessive government demands, or even financial penalties. Build trust with your users instead by only collecting information as needed.
Alexa – Don’t Store Children’s Voices
94% of likely voters support new laws requiring tech companies to get permission before they share personal information, and laws that give Californians the right to know what personal information companies collect about them and who it has been shared with. California Statewide Survey, 2019.
Just because you need location information to make your service work doesn’t mean you actually need to keep that information. Determine how long you need to keep the data you do collect and delete it once it is no longer necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected. This helps ensure that you’re not retaining information that users don’t expect you to keep and reduces the potential harm of data breach and other privacy hazards.
Half of Americans have decided not to use a product or service because of privacy concerns Pew Research Center, April 14, 2020.