Even if your business model involves selling or otherwise monetizing content, consider the costs and consequences of aggressively asserting your rights to control the use or distribution of that content, whether through legal or technological means. The law gives you tools to enforce rights to your content, but with this power comes the responsibility to use it wisely. Encouraging your customers to use your content or service in new and innovative ways may attract more paying users, while limiting their ability to enjoy your service could drive them to less restrictive competitors.
"[Data portability and interoperability measures] [a]t their best, can lead to invigorated competition, with engaged and empowered consumers being offered a wide range of unbundled products and services. They can address the barriers to entry in markets stemming from network effects, and encourage innovation. Further, they may be an attractive competition enforcement remedy and alternative to pursuing cases involving the refusal to supply data.” Data Portability, Interoperability and Digital Platform Competition.