Freedom of expression is not just the right to speak freely; it is also the right to obtain information without censorship or restriction. If you prevent your users from accessing content they want to read or see, or if you limit the tools they can use to communicate with each other and the wider world, they may see your product as a hindrance... +Read more
If your product is a platform for user speech, users are likely to react poorly if they feel like they lack ownership of their own speech or lose control of what they say. Ensure that users are in control of their own expression and that you aren’t putting words in their mouths without their consent.+Read more
Even the most speech-friendly policies will do little good if they are not consistently and fairly applied. Make sure that everyone responsible for enforcing your policies is on board with your efforts to protect and promote speech by avoiding arbitrary or inequitable enforcement.+Read more
Enforcing your community’s policies based on fair processes helps even those accused of breaking them feel heard. Design your process to solicit and address valid concerns and make sure users understand what is happening and how they can respond to or appeal any decisions.+Read more
There are real business costs to restricting user content or communications, both in terms of time and resources and in the impact on users’ trust and loyalty. Clear, narrowly-drafted policies that prohibit only illegal speech or harmful behavior can help protect your users’ freedom of expression while encouraging engagement with your service.+Read more
If your company hosts user-generated material, you may find yourself on the receiving end of demands to remove material or even terminate a user’s account based on various legal claims. To protect your users and your reputation, develop a procedure to review the demand carefully and ensure that your users’ free speech rights are respected. Make... +Read more
Your users may have various reasons for keeping their identity private. At times, third parties may try to use legal process such as subpoenas to compel you to disclose their identities. Joining your users in resisting efforts to unmask their identities can earn you the lasting respect of your users, while failing to protect their identities can... +Read more
If the law doesn’t adequately protect your users’ freedom of expression, you can earn their gratitude by working to change the law. Courthouses and legislatures both offer opportunities for you to affect policy and establish yourself as a champion of freedom of expression. Working in coalition with other companies, non-profit advocacy groups, and... +Read more
Although it might be tempting to lock down your product or vigorously guard your intellectual property, poorly deployed solutions can hinder your users’ ability to use and share your content in beneficial ways and burden you with the obligation of maintaining software and processes for years. You can maximize user engagement and reduce your own... +Read more
If you determine that you need to take action to prevent unauthorized use or distribution of content or information, ensure that you respect others’ freedom of expression while you protect your own rights. Attempting to assert control without considering how the targets of your efforts and the general public might react can backfire badly,... +Read more